Options and Parameters



type: str, default: i
Initial mode of win-vind. The value is the mode prefix.


type: float, default: 1.0
The time interval in seconds at which the server win-vind will retrieve command requests sent by the client with the -c argument.


type: str, default: resources/icon32_dark.ico
Style of the icon to be displayed on the taskbar. By default, Dark and Light styles are available. The former is resources/icon32_dark.ico and the latter is resouces/icon32_light.ico. By the way, you can use any tasktray icon you like as long as it is in .ico format and 32x32.


type: str, default: ~/Downloads
Where to download the file with the update checking.


type: str, default: Segoe UI
Font name of GUI. If an empty string is passed, the system font will be used.


type: num, default: 11
Font size of GUI


type: str, default: asdghklqwertyuiopzxcvbnmfj
Specify the characters of hint used for EasyClick and GridMove. It accpets as input a set of non-duplicate characters and assigns them to the hints in order from the first to the last.

Command Line


type: bool, default: true
Show virtual command line


type: bool, default: true
Show the partial command in the virtual command line. This feature causes some overhead. If the count of repeats for a command is specified, the command is displayed following the count of repeats. If you do not enter a repeat count for a command, then the repeat count is denoted as 1. Unlike Vim, the repeat count is always explicitly displayed to reduce mistakes in the repeat count.


type: str, default: 323232
Background color in the virtual command line. (# is optional)


type: str, default: c8c8c8
Font color in the virtual command line. (# is optional)


type: str, default: Consolas
Font name for virtual command line. If an empty string is passed, the system font will be used.


type: num, default: 23
Font size in virtual command line


type: num, default: 400
Font weight in virtual command line. Its maximum value is 1000.


type: num, default: 1
Horizontal character spacing in virtual command line.


type: str, default: LowerMid
Rough position of virtual command line. The choices are UpperLeft, UpperMid, UpperRight, MidLeft, Center, MidRight, LowerLeft, LowerMid, or LowerRight.


type: num, default: 32
Use cmd_roughpos to determine the rough position, and cmd_xmargin to determine the detailed horizontal position. The units are in pixels.


type: num, default: 96
Use cmd_roughpos to determine the rough position, and cmd_ymargin to determine the detailed vertical position. The units are in pixels.


type: num, default: 5
Fade-out time in seconds for the virtual command line. If you want the command line to always be visible, make this value large enough.


type: str, default: primary
The monitor on which to draw the command line. The choices are primary, all, active, ${NUMBER}. The primary displays the command line on the primary monitor only. all draws command lines on all monitos. active displays command lines on the monitor where the selected window is located. ${NUMBER} shows the command line on ${NUMBER}th monitor. The ${NUMBER} is a number starting from 0 and assigned from the left monitor. For example, set cmd_monitor=1.



type: str, default: 323232
Font background color of hints in EasyClick


type: str, default: c8c8c8
Font color of hints in EasyClick


type: str, default: Consolas
Font name of hints in EasyClick


type: num, default: 14
Font size of hints in EasyClick


type: num, default: 500
Font weight of hits in EasyClick. Its maximum value is 1000.



type: str, default: 323232
Font background color of hints in GridMove


type: str, default: c8c8c8
Font color of hints in GridMove


type: str, default: Consolas
Font name of hints in GridMove


type: num, default: 14
Font size of hints in GridMove


type: num, default: 500
Font weight of hits in GridMove. Its maximum value is 1000.


type: str, default: 12x8
The grid size in GridMove. It assumes a text as its value, such as 12x8 for horizontal 12 cells and vertical 8 cells.



type: num, default: 90
Pixel-level acceleration in the constatnt acceleration motion of the mouse cursor.


type: num, default: 250
A weight for scaling the time of constant acceleration motion of the mouse cursor.


type: num, default: 10
A margin in pixels to prevent jumping off the screen when jumping to the edge of the screen using jump_cursor_to_left, etc.


type: num, default: 0.125
The ratio of one page to the screen width to determine the amount of scrolling movement as a page.


type: num, default: 10
Horizontal scrolling speed of the mouse wheel.


type: num, default: 0.125
The ratio of one page to the screen height to determine the amount of scrolling movement as a page.


type: num, default: 30
Vertical scrolling speed of the mouse wheel.


type: str, default:
Keyboard layout kmp file referenced by jump_cursor_with_keybrd_layout. By default, only US (101/102) or JP (106/109) layouts are supported. If your keyboard is not the right one, please create your own kmp file and use its path as the value. If you leave the value empty, the KMP file will be selected automatically.



type: str, default:
A list of executable filenames to ignore in ArrangeWindows. For example, if you want to remove rainmeter and gvim from the alignment, write set arrangewin_ignore = rainmeter, gvim. The name is the name of the executable file without extension.


type: num, default: 100
Pixel-level velocity in the constatnt acceleration motion of the window in winresizer.


type: num, default: 100
Window Width delta for resizing


type: num, default: 100
Window height delta for resizing


type: num, default: 0
Initial mode of window resizer ([0]: Resize, [1]: Move, [2]: Focus)

Block Style Caret


type: bool, default: false
Block Style Caret


type: str, default: solid
Mode of block style caret. There is a solid mode with fixed size and a flex mode with pseudo blocks by selection.


type: num, default: 15
Width of block style caret on solid mode



type: bool, default: false
It is one of standard options on Windows. For example, if shown Are you sure you want to move this file to the Recycle Bin?, it automatically moves the cursor to the popup window.

UIA Cache


type: bool, default: false
easyclick and focus_textarea are slow because they scan the UI object after being called. If this option is enabled, scanning is done asynchronously and cache is used as a result. Using the cache is 30 times faster than scanning linearly, but the location information, etc. may not always be correct.


type: num, default: 1500
Cache lifetime (ms). A high value reduces the computational cost, but decreases the reliability of the cache. A low value increases the computational cost due to frequent cache creation, but guarantees reliability.


type: num, default: 500
The time between when the mouse cursor stops moving and when it starts to build a cache. In order to reduce unnecessary computational cost, it is desirable not to create a cache when there is no operation. Therefore, it should be updated only immediately after the mouse stops. The value of this option is the time(ms) that the mouse cursor is considered to be stopped.


type: num, default: 2000
In order to reduce unnecessary computational cost, it is desirable not to create a cache when there is no operation. The value of this option is the time(ms) between the time the cursor stops moving and the time it stops creating a cache.

uiacachebuild_staybegin and uiacachebuild_stayend overview



type: str, default: cmd
Name of the shell to use for :! commands


type: str, default:
The current directory where commands (e.g. :shell, :terminal, :!) will be executed. For these commands, the current directory is the directory if there is Exeplorer, or the user directory otherwise. If this option is not empty, then the current directory is fixed to a value directory.


type: str, default: -c
Flag passed to the shell to execute :! commands

Vim Emulation


type: str, default: grapheme
Mode for how to split a single Unicode character. The grapheme mode treats a combination character as a single character. The codepoint mode processes the combination character for each codepoint.


type: bool, default: false
It is a very small cache for one character used by x or X commands. If it is enabled, the clipboard is opened per once typing. Therefore, you will get the same behavior as the original Vim, whereas the performance maybe drop a litte.